RESPONDER LogoEuropean Union FP7

Work Packages

RESPONDER applies participative system mapping to integrate the perspectives and viewpoints of the different communities involved, develops methods and tools for knowledge brokerage, collects and analyses experiences in using these tools, evaluates, adapts and continuously improves this approach. These conceptual tasks are accomplished in the first two work packages (WP1: Basics for Participatory Mapping; WP2: Accompanying Evaluation), which together form a multiple cycle of development, implementation, evaluation, reflection and improvement.

Networking needs continuity and efficient ways of interaction. This will be ensured by an Internet-Based Knowledge Brokerage System, continually processing and exchanging questions and answers from policy makers and researchers based on multiple system maps. This Internet system is to be the central repository for information, as well as a platform for interaction between scientists and policymakers. The software for this platform will be programmed, tested, installed and hosted in WP3, while WP4 takes care of the information delivered through the system.

Knowledge exchange requires trust and mutual understanding. Therefore RESPONDER’s second key element is a series of face-to-face meetings with alternating professionally moderated workshop atmosphere and dedicated time for informal exchange. Three European Dialogues (WP5) will focus first on the generic system map and then on the experiences of applying system maps in the different policy areas. Five two-round Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Events (WP6) apply participatory system mapping to five policy areas, sectors and consumption fields to expand the target group to national policy makers on sectoral level.

Dealing with high-level policy makers and researchers can not be done only in a standardized way. They need individual support. In order to increase their motivation to collaborate specific activities for community strengthening and individual support are foreseen (WP7).

Transferability and practicability will be considered throughout the project as RESPONDER will be linked with all relevant projects, initiatives and networks. An additional Peer Review (WP8) after completion of all dialogues and KB events will reflect on the experiences with knowledge brokerage, assess the transferability of the RESPONDER concept and link-up with other FP7 knowledge brokerage projects.

To initiate a self-sustaining process of knowledge management lasting beyond project termination, several outreach and dissemination activities are foreseen (WP9). This comprises continuous activities (e.g. project newsletter, flyer, policy briefs) as well as a final conference on sustainable consumption and economic growth.

Setting up and running a highly innovative knowledge brokerage system in a complex surrounding requires effective coordination processes and efficient management structures (WP10). Therefore roles, responsibilities and interfaces of the consortium members and all other partners involved are clearly defined.

© 2025 Institute for Managing Sustainability
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Welthandelsplatz 1, A-1020 Vienna

The RESPONDER project is funded by FP7 under
the Environment (including Climate Change) theme.