RESPONDER LogoEuropean Union FP7


A key element of RESPONDER is a series of face-to-face meetings with alternating professionally moderated workshop atmosphere and dedicated time for informal exchange. Three European Dialogues will focus first on the generic system map and then on the experiences of applying system maps in the different policy areas. Five two-round Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Events apply participatory system mapping to five policy areas, sectors and consumption fields to expand the target group to national policy makers on sectoral level.


Past RESPONDER events

Date Name of Event Place
19-21 October 2011 1st EU Dialogue on Sustainable Consumption and Economic Growth Berlin (DE)
25-27 January 2012 Multinational knowledge brokerage event on Sustainable Food Consumption Lisbon (PT)
21-23 March 2012 Multinational knowledge brokerage event on Sustainable Mobility Bratislava (SK)
28-30 March 2012 Multinational knowledge brokerage event on Sustainable Housing Barcelona (ES)
24-25 May 2012 Multinational knowledge brokerage event on "The Role of Household Savings and Debts in a Sustainable Economy" London (UK)
30 May-1 June 2012 Multinational knowledge brokerage event on "Green ICT for Growth and Sustainability?" Vienna (AT)
29-30 October 2012 2nd EU Dialogue on "Linking Policy and Science for Greening the Economy" Brussels (BE)
17-18 January 2013 2nd Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event "Green ICT for Sustainable Consumption" Vienna (AT)
21-22 March 2013 2nd Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event "Towards Sustainable Mobility in European Cities" Bratislava (SK)
18-19 April 2013 2nd Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event "Shaping the future of sustainable food consumption" Lisbon (PT)
14-15 May 2013 2nd Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event "Changing the Finance System to enable the Transition to a Sustainable Economy" Brussels (BE)
6-7 June 2013 2nd Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event "Sustainable housing in a post-growth Europe" Barcelona (ES)
10-11 October 2013 3rd EU Dialogue on "Linking Policy and Science for Sustainable Innovation" Brussels (BE)
21 March 2014 RESPONDER final conference: Austerity, Stimulus or Post-growth for Europe? Revisiting Sicco Mansholt's Vision Brussels (BE)

The website of the FP7-funded project CORPUS includes an excellent event calendar with regular updates on SCP events in Europe. The CORPUS project itself organizes a series of “Policy Meets Research Workshops” for knowledge exchange between policy-makers and researchers in the policy domains of food, mobility and housing.

© 2025 Institute for Managing Sustainability
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Welthandelsplatz 1, A-1020 Vienna

The RESPONDER project is funded by FP7 under
the Environment (including Climate Change) theme.