RESPONDER LogoEuropean Union FP7

Knowledge base: Sustainable Food Consumption

This section provides access to knowledge related to the RESPONDER multinational knowledge brokerage events on Sustainable Food Consumption.

Please note that the main parts of the RESPONDER knowledge base are only accessible for registered users. To gain access, please register or login.

Background paper

(3.7 MB)
Shaping the future of Sustainable Food Consumption: Challenges and opportunities for policy and science integration
This paper provides background material on the core issues of the RESPONDER project and the 2nd Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event on Sustainable Food Consumption in order to promote active participation and engagement in the debate.
(4.6 MB)
Background paper on Sustainable Food Consumption and Growth
This paper provides background material on the core issues of the RESPONDER project and the 1st Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event on Sustainable Food Consumption in order to promote active participation and engagement in the debate.

Knowledge units & posters

  • Food Risk and Safety: Real risks and misconceptions

  • Local food initiatives: Practices of sustainable and small-scale agricultural initiatives

  • Private food consumption and food waste in the EU

  • A Definition of “Sustainable Food Consumption”

  • Sustainable Food Systems

  • Meat consumption in Europe

  • Food Waste - A Framework of Analysis

  • Labour intensity of agricultural production

  • Food and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

  • CORPUS Research Agenda on Sustainable Food Consumption

© 2025 Institute for Managing Sustainability
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Welthandelsplatz 1, A-1020 Vienna

The RESPONDER project is funded by FP7 under
the Environment (including Climate Change) theme.